if Amazon Canvas

Bald Eagle

(11"x14") Veneer Kit

Min # Max # Species Pieces Sheets Price
1 5 93 5 $12.66

Veneer Kit Help

To display the description of each column heading in any table, hover the mouse cursor above it. The veneer area requirement is based on the size of the artwork which is displayed after the artwork's title. The minimum quantity of sheets for each veneer specie is calculated based on your required number of products entered in the [#Min] input field. To exclude any sheet from purchase, unchecked its checkbox.

You can choose a different sheet of veneer from the same specie using the drop-down list box. Once the veneer kit has been added to cart, the specific veneers displayed here will be reserved for 2 hours, after which, other user can purchase them. But, you can still substitute them with other veneers that are still available.

Usage Size Type Price
1% 12x17" 1/40 $3.35
Usage Size Type Price
22% 11x17" 1/40 $1.82
Usage Size Type Price
22% 11x17" 1/40 $1.82
Usage Size Type Price
11% 6x17" 1/40 $0.99
Usage Size Type Price
94% 12x17" 1/40 $4.69